Grasping the perception of time as a quantum event through video and painting explorations. Time is a fundamental concept in classical and quantum mechanics, but in quantum mechanics, time behaves differently from what we're used to in our everyday experience. The idea that time is truly simultaneous, occurring constantly at one given moment in time, is one that has perplexed and fascinated me. This led to a series of exploration to understand the perception and experience of time as it stands to be seen through quantum physics and spiritual notions.
I began this exploration through painting and later moved onto using explorations under water with thread to represent perceptions of the movement of time. The use of hands in my work is very specific, used to convey emotion in a way that faces typically cannot. I wanted to incorporate the merging of the tangible body with the abstract fluidity of the mind and perception.
I wanted to represent time using thread, not only for its representation of the threads of time, but for its challenging nature as a material. Working with the 3 different colours of thread juxtaposed my experience of manoeuvring and attempting to understand time and the way that I perceived its passage in my mind. Inspired by the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, Vedic teachings and quantum research on the multidimensional aspect of time, I wanted to represent time in a vertical, simultaneous and infinite form, an objective event that makes up the NOW.
This focussed on the fluid, abstract nature of time, as an expansive all encompassing occurance when it is fully experienced in a moment. I used 6 different colours of thread, various iterations of each other, for this work. I used common household objects to wrap the thread around and then secured them with hairspray.
Continuing from the previous exploration, I decided to map my subjective experience of time where I was fully aware of time in a single moment. I then decided to merge this exploration with the Fluid Time, the two versions of time - the subjective experience meeting the fluid, abstract concept of time.